ZOO Rangers in South-Amerika
This time the ZOO rangers are asked to find an extremely rare species of butterfly in South America, and save it from extinction. They split up into two groups. A number of rangers pay a visit to the members of the expedition that found the butterflies. The others go into the tropical rain forest, to look for the butterflies with the help of Bastiaan’s specialist knowledge.
Both groups face dangers such as crocodiles, tarantulas, tango competitions, a love-stricken ape, stampeding cattle and a team of Brazilian school children on the way to discovering the secret of the rare butterfly. It turns out that their client has left them in the dark about her real criminal aspirations, which could mean the complete destruction of the rainforest. In the meantime, Alwin and Sira have a passionate romantic adventure... in one another’s dreams. Based on the populair kids- daily ZOO Rangers.
Production year:2006 - 2007
Release:Juni 2007
Duration:90 minuten
Distributor:Independent Films
Erwan van Buuren Ewout Genemans Jon Karthaus Juliette van Ardenne Monique van der Werff Nicolette van Dam Patrick Martens Vivienne van den AssemScript:Anya Koek en Wijo Koek
Director:Johan Nijenhuis
Gouden Film - 2007service production