TV Series
Hidden Defects
Hidden Defects (Verborgen Gebreken) revolves around three women and two men who run a successful estate agency in the wealthy part of Amsterdam. They are young, ambitious, dynamic and always looking for new work and romantic opportunities.
Verborgen Gebreken is set among Amsterdam’s estate agents. A hip, exciting world in which there is plenty of money to be made. However, there are also all the tricks for acquiring the most beautiful homes and the highest fees. In short: work hard and keep a close eye on the competition. Verborgen Gebreken revolves around five young estate agents, each with his/her own methods.
Production year:2008 - 2011
Release:Maart 2009
Duration:36 x 43 minuten
Broadcaster:NET 5
Egbert-Jan Weeber Frederik Brom Jelka van Houten Jennifer Hoffman Johnny de Mol Ricky Koole Vincent CroisetScript:Frank Ketelaar, Lisette Schölvinck, Pieter Bart Korthuis, Lineke van Boezem, Titia Rieter, Maarten Lebens, Karin van der Meer, Marnie Blok, Bert Stroo e.a.
Director:Barbara Bredero, Marcel Visbeen, Thomas Korthals Altes, Erik van 't Wout e.a.
service production