Stone Cold Stanley


In Stone Cold Stanley, the life of one of the Netherlands' most notorious criminals is followed. The series tells Stanley Hillis' criminal career: from 'gentleman' bank robber to ruthless drug criminal. It ends with his mysterious death in 2011, a liquidation under the eyes of the police. A criminal reckoning that is still unsolved.

The criminal career of Stanley Hillis peaked in the 1990s during the IRT affair, where containers of drugs were purposely let through. With the help of the Dutch police and customs authorities, Hillis traded thousands of kilos of soft and hard drugs, weapons and explosives for years. His TV appearance in the live TV program of Sonja Barend in 1985, shortly after his escape from the 'Bijlmerbajes' jail, was much talked about. Complete with wig, stick-on moustache and enormous sunglasses, Hillis had himself interviewed in front of viewers throughout the Netherlands. In the studio the director of the 'Bijlmerbajes' and police spokesman Klaas Wilting were raging with anger and indignation.

Watch the trailer here.



Production year:2018 - 2019

Release:13 oktober 2019

Duration:4 x 45 minuten



Cast & crew


Egbert-Jan Weeber Sieger Sloot Jeroen Spitzenberger Jochum ten Haaf Juliette van Ardenne Kendrick Etmon Vincent Linthorst

Script:Jan Harm Dekker, Robert Jan Overeem

Director:Tim Oliehoek



Gouden Kalf - Beste Acteur - Jeroen Spitzenberger - 2019

service production

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